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The family app will help keep those who want to be close to their family, together more and get them to feel more connected. They will be able to have an individual username, as well as separate family sub-groups so they can all connect through one area. 


There is a scheduling area where they can all see one another's schedules to keep up to date. The schedule will allow each person to access one another's schedule and change only their own.



The GPS allows you to see where each member is at at that current time. It can let you tag the location as something like Home, Work, or School. This allows each person to see where everyone is and if they are busy or not.



There is also a messaging area where you can group message everyone together and share photos and videos as well. 



​When on the page of the app, you can directly call any of the family members in the subgroup just like on your phone. This just allows the app to be more versatile and convenient for the users.



This sub-page works just like the call page and is setup the same way for a simple, easy to learn display. Once you start calling, the face-forward video will pop-up unlike the regular call page.



The post page is set-up to upload an image or video for all the users in the family to see. You can write a small post and add hashtags and regular tags as well. Once upload, you can like and comment on these posts to interact with the other users.

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